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HTML Horizontal Rule: Specifying the Width

The HORIZONTAL RULE tag is used to divide subjects within a web page.

You can specify the width of an HTML horizontal rule <HR> by adding the WIDTH attribute to your horizontal rule HTML tag.

The width value may be specified as a percentage or in pixels.

In the following example, the horizontal rule is displayed with the width set to 50%:

This example will display your horizontal rule across 50% of your page width, or if placed within a table cell, 50% of the table cell.

Copy and paste the following code into the HTML portion of your web page where you would like the horizontal rule to appear:

<HR WIDTH="50%">

Edit the text indicated in bold to suit your needs.

In the next example, the horizontal rule is displayed with the width set to 200 pixels:

Copy and paste the following code into the HTML portion of your web page where you would like the horizontal rule to appear:

<HR WIDTH="200">

Edit the text indicated in bold to suit your needs.

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